Monday, May 3, 2010

The Heartbreaker...

(Ashlee before 8th grade formal)

Loads better than the awesome Taio Cruz and Ludacris, this is my favorite heartbreaker.  Let me introduce you to Ashlee, 15 year old, 9th grader.  Near future terror of the highways.

Ashlee is the trooper of the family, as she has now been to...  let me count...  7 different schools, plus 2 "bump up" schools (example: moving from junior high to high school).  Thanks to the internet and an unlimited text message plan, Super Trooper has managed to keep in touch with tons of her friends from many locations we've lived.  She's a great friend with a big heart.  Ashlee is also one of my best friends, and I can't wait to see the woman she'll grow to be. 

And, as with our oddball, here are a few pictures of Ashlee for your viewing pleasure.  :)

(Ashlee dressed up as Abby from NCIS for a school event)

(Catching snowflakes)

(Acting goofy for a picture to send to her daddy on his first deployment)

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